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Leadership: Team Members


Senior Pastor

Dr. Benjamin Franklin Jr. has served as a full time senior pastor in the Greater Cleveland area for over 30 years.  

He is a graduate of Cleveland State University, and holds both a Master's degree and a Doctorate degree in Counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary. Reverend Franklin is an experienced Formational Prayer Counselor. 


He has also served as an Adjunct Professor at Ashland Seminary, and The McCreary Center for Religious Education in Cleveland.  



First Lady

Elder Franklin uses her gift of administration as the Pastoral Administrative Assistant and as overseer of the Church Office as well as several other ministries.


For over 40 years, Aurelia has distinguished herself as a highly skilled, educator; exhibiting great dedication and love for children. She holds a Bachelor's and a Master's Degree from Cleveland State University. She is the Director of the "In Him" Women's Ministry and helps with the children in the S.T.O.P Program, tutoring or helping with homework.


She also coordinates community service for persons referred to the church by the local court systems.  Moreover she is affectionately known as "Mother" for the young men and women she mentors. 

Together, Dr and Mrs. Franklin bring over 60 years of knowledge, skill, experience, and wisdom to the Counseling Ministry.  Their areas of service include; Pre-Marital & Marital Counseling, Counseling for Clergy, Family Intervention, Spiritual Direction, Deep Wounds Ministry, Anger Management, help for Addictions, and Grief Recovery. 


Minister Aaron King brings energy and enthusiasm as a preacher and teacher of the Word of God. He is a graduate of Ecumenical Theological Seminary. He serves as our church's Youth and Young Adult Minister and Music and Media administrator. He enjoys serving God in any possible way.

Minister Aaron King


Elder Roy Reid serves faithfully as a Trustee of Inner Healing Ministries.  He works on the Finance Ministry and is the supervisor of Church Building & Grounds.  He directs the Sunday School, teaches the Men's Sunday School Class and oversees the members whose last name begin with D - H.  Elder Reid is considered a "father" within our church, to whom we cherish.

Elder Roy Reid


Minister LaTitia ( Tish) Rice is an anointed preacher as she reaches out to win souls to the Kingdom of God.  She is a gifted  songstress who shares her vocal ability as Director of the Praise Team, and as a member of the In Hymn Choir. She serves as a mentor to young adult women.  

Minister Latitia Rice


Elder Cynthia Bivins is Inner Healing Ministries Church Administrator.  In addition to being a Trustee she serves as the Mother of the Church.  She oversees the members whose last names begin with the letters  Q - Z.  Mother Bivins also provides oversight for the Music and Christian Arts Ministry.

Elder Cynthia Bivins

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Sis. Marlyn Perkins is a powerful jewel within our church. She serves as an Elder for our church. She also serves as the Director of the intercessory team as well as assist in teaching the children for Sunday school. Sis. Perkins also serves with our praise and worship team.

Elder Marlyn Perkins


Minister Juan Santiago is a graduate of Ashland Theological Seminary. He serves as a teacher of the Men's Sunday School Class, Director of the Men's Ministry and is a member of The Male Chorus and Men's Praise Team. His passion is door to door witnessing where he shares the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the lost. Minister Santiago is also actively involved in the S.T.O.P. Program  as a mentor.

Minister Juan Santiago

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Elder Errick Cox serves as an elder for our church. Among other things Errick serves with the S.T.O.P Program and is the Director of the “Armored Men” ministry. Being an evangelist at heart he also facilitates “Word on the Street”, an outreach ministry.

Elder Erick Cox


Dr. Jacque Bailey is a city-wide mentor of women. She services the congregation through preaching and counseling. Her passion for ministry continues to drive her work with young women. 
Dr. Bailey is a doctoral graduate of Ashland Theological Seminary. She brings her decades of life experience to  teach the congregation 

Dr. Jacque Bailey

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Elder Greg Fitch serves as an elder of our church. Greg brings a plethora of gifts to the church. He serves in our music department as our trumpet player. He serves as a facilitator with the S.T.O.P program. Elder Fitch is also our director for our “Journey To Adulthood” ( J2A) teen ministry.

Elder Greg Fitch

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Elder Pat Hasan serves on the elder board for our church, She serves with the New Membership class as an instructor with the InHim Women's Ministry. Sis. Hassan is a faithful member of Inner Healing Ministries.

Elder Pat Hassan

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Elder William Elder serves on the elder board for Inner Healing Ministries.  Elder is a faithful member of our church. He can always be found at the entrance greeting family and friends. Elder, along with his wife, organizes the annual church social.  Elder, being a family man, also promotes birthdays monthly within the church.

Elder William Elder

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